University of Alberta Biomedical Technologies Development Group (UABiomed)


The University of Alberta Biomedical Technologies Development Group (UABiomed) is an interdisciplinary group of passionate individuals united by a common purpose: To develop accessibility technology to create a more physiologically inclusive world. Our mission is to collaboratively pioneer innovative solutions within the medical and mechatronics industries to foster a more adaptable and inclusive healthcare community that caters to diverse needs. 

We collaborate with several local researchers, healthcare professionals, and non-for-profits to participate in initiatives and projects including designing a brain-computer interface (BCI) controlled lower-body robotic exoskeleton for individuals with complete motor-dysfunction, an upper-body exoskeleton for labour-intensive jobs, an autonomous pill-dispensing device, a fully actuated wrist model complete with 3D printed bones and fibrous connective tissue. We also host annual assistive-device assembly events to be donated to local hospitals and occupational therapy centres.

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University of Alberta Aero Design


University of Alberta Blueprint Chapter