
The GEER Lounge is an informal space, where students can relax, chat, play games, and get away from studying. It aims to provide students an avenue to relax and focus on mental wellness in a way that fits into their busy schedules. Isolated from study spaces, students are encouraged to stop by to take a break and get escape from deadlines.


Mechanical Engineering Building - 5th Floor - 5-8U and 5-8A

The MEC E 5th floor is home to many of our Engineering Discipline Clubs and ESS Executive Office, as well as a prayer and meditation room. The GEER Lounge is located at the center of this space and is designed to encourage students to interact with other community members.

Lounge Amenities

  • A 70-inch 4K TV

  • A PlayStation 5 + Games (FIFA23, NBA 23, God of War Ragnarok etc.)

  • A 100-inch Screen + Wireless Projector (for streaming Oilers' games, sports, movie nights etc.)

  • A Foosball Table

  • An Air-hockey Table

  • A Ping-Pong Table

  • Beanbags and Couches

  • Magnetic Dartboard

  • Popular board games such as Jenga, UNO, Chess, Monopoly, and more!

Operational Management

  • The GEER Lounge operating time:

    • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM all weekdays.

      • This timing has been selected to support the ESS Internal Team in assisting with running the lounge.

      • Building tenants are provided with an email (VP Community) to report any noise issues that they face, and the ESS will change its policies as needed.

    • Games and activities are only accessible during operating times. During non-operating hours, the lounge is open for relaxing or studying but most activities are locked away (such as the PS5 or Ping Pong).

  • An ESS Volunteer opens the cabinet at the start of operating hours so students have access to everything the lounge has to offer. At end of our operating time, another ESS volunteer stores everything in their appropriate place and locks the cabinet.

  • Expensive items such as PS5 Controllers are available at the Geer Store for students to rent out for one hour by depositing their OneCard. The consoles themselves are locked in the Lounge.

  • The ESS may occasionally host activities or events using the projector. These activities depend on our operational capacity and the GEER Lounge division’s availability.

  • The Engineering Wellness Team may also host events in the Lounge.

  • No food or drinks are allowed in the GEER Lounge space.

  • The Lounge is monitored 24/7 by security cameras that store video on the Cloud.

Operational Management details are constantly changing and evolving.

Please contact with any questions.