Engineering Physics Club (EngPhys)


The Engineering Physics Club has been long spoken of in legend as an organization unbounded by the laws of space and time.

It is here that Alberta’s greatest minds congregate to complain about their quantum mechanics homework and write 20-page lab reports the night before they are due. We have a copious supply of ice cream sandwiches and red bull in the Phyrdge to fuel your studying, because, of course, you started cramming for your physics final less than 24 hours before writing it (seriously though, don’t do this).

Although free time is something we are only passingly familiar with, we pull together to organize lab tours, arrange social events, and continue our rivalry with MinE during GEER Week. We are a small and tightly-knit group of people who have bonded over sleep deprivation and crazy midterms.

Don’t hesitate to stop by if you want to talk physics, hang out, or just use the microwave and awkwardly leave.

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Interested in getting involved? E-mail to learn more!

Below is a list of all students who can get involved with this group:




Engineers for a Sustainable World University of Alberta (ESW uAlberta)