Level 7


Level 7 is a plastics recycling and manufacturing initiative founded in 2019. We are looking to expand our team by recruiting several positions this Fall! Below, we recount Level 7’s mission and areas of involvement.

Plastic production grows on an annual basis while recycling remains financially infeasible for most countries around the world. As such, the majority of plastic waste is discarded into landfills. At Level 7 we believe in doing our part, which means being leaders of change through action, education, and research.

Through action, Level 7 collects plastic from local sources including the University of Alberta, the Edmonton Waste Management Center, and local businesses. The collected plastic is brought to our lab in NREF, which is fully equipped to shred, melt, and manufacture the plastic into various products. To date, we have recycled over 50,000 plastic bottles. Our new lab space is able to recycle hundreds of thousands more, annually. 

Through education, Level 7 aims to increase eco-reach by bringing awareness to the global waste crisis, and encouraging others to take action. We achieve this through primary and community curricular programs, hands-on recycling seminars, and digital media publication.  

Through research, Level 7 is an active contributor to the recycling knowledgebase. From guitars to construction bricks, Level 7 creates recycled products for various industries. We are also one of the few student groups who have hired full-time research-facing co-op students. 

By joining Level 7, you are not only contributing to a more sustainable future; you are developing your engineering skills through hands-on fabrication, product design, manufacturing optimisation, go to market strategy, sales – in other words, your ability to develop end-to-end scalable engineering solutions."

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Interested in getting involved? Email level7@ualberta.ca to learn more!

Below is a list of all the students who can get involved in this group:


IEEE Student Branch


Materials Engineering Students Society (MESS)