Engineers in Action: University of Alberta Student Chapter (EIA)


Engineers in Action: University of Alberta Student Chapter is an interdisciplinary, student-led group under the international non-profit organization, Engineers in Action (EIA). Our members have a unified intent to utilize our talents and skills to bring about positive and long-lasting change to isolated communities in Bolivia through designing and constructing footbridges.

We strive to tackle absolute poverty through one important facet: access. By bridging the gaps, we connect communities to markets, enabling them to thrive economically by maximizing their agricultural potential throughout the year. Additionally, the success of projects like these bolster communities politically, allowing for future developments. These bridges provide safe passage to nearby primary schools, ensuring that students can pursue education without fear of harm or perilous journeys. Moreover, they grant access to nearby hospitals and clinics, significantly reducing mortality rates and improving the overall health of community members.

We work closely with professional engineers and members of the local community to build capacity and resilience, and we believe everyone deserves to live healthy and dignified lives with access to essential services.

Our team participates in annual bridge design and construction projects with other universities, completing the design phase throughout the academic year and traveling to our assigned community the following summer. We hold various fundraising events prior to travel to help raise funds for our projects. We also participate in the annual Bridge Builder Conference, organized by the EIA greater organization in Boulder, Colorado.

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Below is a list of all students who can get involved with this group:


Engineers for a Sustainable World University of Alberta (ESW uAlberta)


Engineers Without Borders UAlberta Chapter (EWB)